Monday, December 21, 2009


Sorry for the extended break since my last post.  I have taken the past week or so to catch up on some much needed sleep.  It has been nice having the family together and Matthew's time at home has been great.  On Saturday, however, we ended up back at Children's Memorial due to Matthew having a fever.  We kind of knew something was not right when he asked to go 'night night' at 4:30.  His fever was 102.6 so we brought him in on the recommendation of the doctor. 

In the ER, the nurses, who continue to be incredible to us, gave Matthew tylenol and within about 10 seconds he was throwing up all of the front of himself and me.  The poor little guy was really out of it.  They gave us a room in the ER and hooked Matthew up to an IV and within an hour or so, he was feeling much better.  We did end up being admitted and ended up on 4west (the oncology/hematology floor at chh) at abou t 11:30.  Little man's fever was very stubborn that night and he was tossing and turning for most of it. 

On Sunday, we was fairly tired and restless from being up most of the night before.  We took a couple of good naps which made a good difference.  On Sunday everning, he did spike another fever of 101.6 but that subsided overnight and this morning his fever had gone down. 

We should have the results of some of his blood tests today to determine if there is a bacterial infection causing the fever or if it is something else.  We should also know over the next couple of days the results of Claire's compatability test to determine if she is a bone marrow match.  If she is a match or if there is a match on the bone marrow registry, Matthew will have a bone marrow transplant. 

It is weird to think that Christmas is this week.  we are still very unsure if we are going to be home or not and are prepared with a series of backup plans with whatever happens.  Continued thanks to all of those who have reached out with support for Matthew and our family.  It is very difficult to put into words how it makes Nicole and I feel knowing that there are special people who selflessly care for us. 


Garbis Grapevine said...

Sorry that you are back so soon. Hope he starts to feel better again:-) T and P your way!!


Melissa said...

Hi Gene,

Here is the website with information about getting on the bone marrow registry if anyone is interested.


Peg Baker said...

Dear Gene and Nicole,

Michael and I are following your blog closely and are keeping our prayer circle updated.

We just mailed a card to your home; Michael wrote his own words since he is "blog-less".

Again, continued blessings and prayers for your little guy and gal and for you two as well.

We miss and love you,

Peg and Michael