Monday, December 07, 2009


The little man is finally asleep.   He probably got worn out putting his PIC line in his ear and using it as a telephone saying 'Hello?  Hello?'  Matthew is feeling well and is acting eerily similar to his old self.  Nicole was with him for most of the day and I heard about the many walks he took.   After dinner he got a little sponge bath.  I was on the fence about whether I was going to go ahead with the sponge bath but a botched diaper change (the bad kind) on my part made that decision much easier.  I am very glad he is not in any pain at this point.  I know that may change quickly.

Nicole met with some of the volunteers from social services to discuss how we can address Matthew's illness with Claire.  They gave us a doll with a PIC line in it, a Charlie Brown video, and some other lit for us to read to help us talk to Claire.  She is so curious and smart, I know she must have a ton of questions.  I have only seen her a couple of times in the past few days.  I sure miss Claire.

Please keep hoping.


Aunt Mary said...

Hey little Dude,
Hearing your voice yesterday MADE MY DAY! I am thinking of you and praying for you always!

Anonymous said...

you guys are in our thoughts. glad to see that he is up and about. if you need anything please let us know....lots of love, ann