Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Beads of Courage

I wanted to show everyone Matthew's Beads of Courage that he is accumulating.  Beads of Courage is a pretty cool program aimed at helping children with serious illnesses.  Each bead has a different meaning or milestone related to a child's treatment.  For example, a white bead symbolizes 1 dose of Chemotherapy.  A blue bead represents a clinic visit at the day hospital.  A Red bead indicates a blood transfusion.  You get the idea. There are also some special beads like the crazy tortoise bead to the right of the Beads of Courage bead symbolizes a lumbar puncture.  You get the face bead when you lose your hair.  The fish bead is a symbol of the courage you must have to travel away from home to get treatment. This is only one of the strings.  There is another full string somewhere around here also. 

1 comment:

Kellie-Jo said...

Thanks for sharing Matthew's Beads of Courage! Sending hugs and prayers.
Kellie-Jo and Vincent