Matthew received a kick a$$ fire engine yesterday after asking for one ALL day. This one has a fully funtional hose and as you an see in the picture, is capable of pretty good soaking action. I am completely unbiased and I can say it is prob one of the cuter pictures you will ever see.
We are going to stick around for another night since our MRI was rescheduled to late in the day today and we are coming back tomorrow to check various levels. We did receive encouraging news that the spinal fluid has shown a significant decrease in leukemia cells. I no longer get really excited about hearing good news as I have been on that roller coaster before but this is cause for some muted optimism.
GREAT PICTURE:) Someone sure made that little boy happy. STAY OPTIMISTIC. We are still praying for all of you.
The Yee's
This picture is too cute!!!! I can't wait to see the picture of him using the hose too!
Matthew's smile is contagious-we love it!!! We are praying for positive test results and a more acceptable donor. Love you all, amj
Great smile! We are cheering you on from Evanston.
Great news Furibondo's!!!!! I will be optomistic for you out loud! Way to go Matthew! You will beat this crap!!!! By the way, I hope your truck is super loud and annoys everyone! Great pic Gene!
SUCH a cute picture. Made me smile. Still praying really hard for Matthew.
Carrie Katai seeing matthew with that great smile....hoping and praying that you all will be heading home soon.
hugs for everyone~~
susan chally
Love the picture!!!! Adorable! Can't wait to see a pic of the first one soaked.
Amy and Jasmin Olson
I volunteer to be soaked!
So good to see him up and smiling!
Love and prayers for his wonderful family.
Love you my friends,
Now I am pretty much a firetruck expert as Keegan is obsessed and that looks to be a pretty cool one. Glad to see Matthew smiling!
That picture made our whole family smile. Matthew looked FABULOUS. We just want you all to know that we continue to pray for you all and stay strong as you have. God bless you all and know we think about you every day.
The Roberts
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