Friday, August 27, 2010

Claire's first day of school

Few things are better than the obligatory first day of school picture so here are a few.  Today was Claire's first day of Kindergarten and the day was perfect. 
bring it on!


blowing us a kiss on her way in to school.


Kathy said...

I can't believe she is in Kindergarten. It seems like she was born yesterday. What's with the matching bags?

Enjoy the year!It goes by way too fast.

Peg Baker said...

Claire has definitely seized the day! Congratulations, young lady!

Carrie said...

Super adorable!! Glad she had a great day.

Garbis Grapevine said...

Claire is so darn cute!!!!!!! Thinking about you all!!!!

Ellen said...

Thanks for posting the adorable video of Matthew and pics of Claire Bear going to school! They are both too cute for words! You all continue to be in my prayers as your long journey continues.

Lara V. said...

Gotta love Claire's awesome attitude to complement the fluffy skirt!