Sunday, August 08, 2010


@ CMH we remain.  I am not sure what it is about this stay that sucks any more than the rest but, it seems to.  Save for the continually outstanding nursing care that Matthew (and Nicole and I from time to time) receives, the time away from home and having our family so disconnected is wearing on me.  I did get a chance to run with Nicole today which almost never happens.  Was awesome.  Definitely confirmed what I was suspecting...that she could run circles around me.

This weeked was Lollapalooza in Chicago.  I know you will all be happy for me for attending the second Lollapalooza 18 years ago.  I am ashamed for telling people it was the first as I used to believe until I just looked it up.  Turns out it was born in 1991. if anyone cares...The lineup was awesome then and still would be today.   Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pear Jam, Icu Cube, Stone Temple Pilots.  Its fairly easy to see why I was like the coolest kid in my high school.  Yesterday, Matthew had his own music festival of sorts in his hospital room when he was visited by the music specialist at CMH.  She was (and by all accounts still is) a very very nice woman.  Matthew was having no part of it.  When she started playing her guitar...he started screaming 'Get OUT!!!!'.  Took his pillow and covered his face and was screaming 'NO NO NO'...all the while she is softly singing this 'Hello How are You' folky song.  I guess he kind of answered that question.  After a minute or two, the music specialist and I just started laughing about it and decided to try again at a later date.

Pic of the little guy helping out at the 4West main desk. 
Thank you 4West nurses.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys, looks like Matthew amuses himself (and the nurses)pretty well at the nurses station. Hopefully the fever/infection will clear shortly and you can enjoy some family time before the countdown begins. The prayers continue for your patience and strength. Love to you all, amj

Peg Baker said...

Gene and Nicole,

It's great that you two are keeping up with your running! Let the endorphins flow!

Our prayers for you continue as well as those offered in our prayer circles.

Love and hugs,

Peg and Michael