Thursday, September 23, 2010


We received the results from the DNA test which showed that approx 94% of Matthews cells are his new ones.  This is pretty awesome news.  95% is about as good as you can get.   So the engraftment seems to be right on track.  Of course close monitoring and tests for the next several weeks but we should still be able to go to Uncle Mikey and Aunt Jen's home tomorrow. 

We are electing to put the feeding tube back in tonight to make the oral medications easier.  He is having a very difficult time taking them.  He has 13 different doses per day of the various meds.  It became pretty clear that there is no way we can expect him to take these orally.  We have tried the plugging of the nose, the jamming of the syringe down his throat, the small amount in the cheek, pretty much everything.  he either spits it back at you or he throws it up a few minutes later.


Carrie said...

Wow, such amazing news. My prayers continue for Matthew.

Peg Baker said...

94% - So good to hear! Enjoy your weekend out in the world; you all have our continued prayers, love, hugs, etc!

Peg and Michael

The Hitmaker said...

94 is the new 95.

Amy M said...

I am coninually amazed at what doctors can do and how our bodies are awesome. Have fun-Yay!


Anonymous said...

God Bless Him, and all of you. Can't blame him for not wanting to take all that medicine! Yuck!
Hope your weekend is wonderful and Matthew is able to get out for a bit! Prayers will continue....

Ellen said...

Wow!!!!!!!! That is terrific news! I'm glad they were able to help wiht Matthew's medicines as well. Have fun and Uncle Mike's and Aunt Jen's house. I'm sure you guys are all ready to bust out of the hospital. Give Nicole and the kiddo's a hug for me. I miss you guys.

Linda said...

Way to go Matthew!!! What a trooper. We understand the importance of getting those meds down. You do what you have to, to keep the little guy on course. Congratulations on the great numbers! Awesome is right! Linda & John

Garbis Grapevine said...

Love to hear good news!!!

Carrie said...

How is Matthew?