Thursday, September 09, 2010

Day +1

Captians log September 9, 2010.  (Sorry no pics.  The camera was left at the hosp.)

First, thank you for all of the well wishes and encouraging words.  Team Matthew kicks ass as usual.  They must have worked because yesterday, aka Day Zero, went perfectly.  I should say that everything that mattered went perfectly.  Major props to the Children's Memorial staff of nurses and doctors who have honestly become part of our family.  The harvest was done by 9am or so and Matthew had received his new cells by about 2 in the afternoon.   That's when superhero me started taking a turn southward.

It started with a small headache.  then a larger headache.  Then i was in Matthew's room puking my guts out.  Good thing I was in a hospital.  I rode the elevator down to the ER with Nicole and checked in...again.  They gave me what I can only assume was the equivalent of a flintstone vitamin cause it didn't do anything for the headache.  Deep was then into the back of an ambulance with my bro and down to Northwestern to an adult hospital for something more powerful.  Still puking.  Head splitting.

After all that, I could not imagine the day going any better.  Matthew got his cells and now we wait.  The directive now is to avoid infection and manage pain.  By Day +10, we should start seeing his new bone marrow producing new cells.  Stay tuned. 


The Hitmaker said...

Keep hanging tough.
Here's hoping for a great outcome.

Lara V. said...

Very glad to see you both on the other side - sans guts (having been puked). Rest up captains!

Anonymous said...

So glad the procedure went well, (except for the major migraine, of course). We will continue to pray for the recovery of both of you.
~The Crosby-Fosters

klongshore said...
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klongshore said...

Glad to hear the important things went as smoothly as possible, except for the headache. Keep in there. Good thoughts and love for all of you!!

Michelle said...

Hang in there! I'll be keeping you both in my prayers!

Don and Steph said...

Go Matthew! Gene - you are tough. Hang in there everyone!

Don & Steph

amy said...

So glad I got to catch up with Nicole for a little bit today! Sounds like Matthew is doing great so far (and glad to hear that dad is hanging in there too!) See you guys next week at CMH!