Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day +7

One week down.  Still no counts, as expected.  The little man is a warrior.  Plain and simple.

Bad diarrhea.  Feeding tube.  All sorts of pain.  Mucositis (lots and lots of mucus).  And you know what?  He still sits up and wants to color a picture for his big sister Claire.  Take that, cancer.  You piece of crap.


Linda said...

Way to go, Matthew. Keep fighting. Our thoughts are with you and your family. John & Linda

Peg Baker said...

Yeah, my sentiments exactly. Matthew is an awesome warrior!!

Carrie said...

Keep up your awesome fight Matthew!!!

Lisa Pisha said...

Big, huge, hugs Matthew. You Go Buddy!

Melinda said...

Way to show it who the boss is! Way to go Matthew! :D

Traci said...

Keep it up, kiddo! Those counts will come up soon and you will never have been more excited to see a rising ANC! ;-) Love you all.
Traci and Jason

Lara V. said...

Braveheart could learn a thing or two from this tough guy. Stay strong Matthew!

Garbis Grapevine said...

Wow, that is awesome how he is fighting!!!!! I am so amazed by MATTHEW AND THE ENTIRE FURIBONDO FAMILY!!!!!!

Ellen said...

Such a sweet little brother thinking of Claire even when he's so sick. Keep up the fight Matthew! We love you guys.

Carrie Stotz said...

Have you hooked up the mouth suction yet? We should have hooked it up sooner for Aidan. Once we did, it helped Aidan big time with all the mucous...although it gets pretty nasty. The next few days will be tough...praying for those counts for you guys. Stay focused on the end result...a healthy, cancer-free little man!
Sending prayers and hugs,
Carrie Stotz
(Aidan's mom)
P.S Say hi to Dr. Jenn!!!

Weidman Family said...

Sending positive thoughts your way! Go Matthew!