Tuesday, November 02, 2010

the results are in

I was just voted the coolest person sitting on my couch right now.  Clearly my constituents were pleased with my past performance, most notably my work on 'being awesome' reform.

I realized a short time ago that I have not paid a penny in income tax yet this year.  don't worry though...I have a plan.  I have taken my social security card and made a couple of slight modifications.  I changed one of the One's to an 'L' and then I took the 6 and turned that into an ampersand (&).  See how that works...totally untraceable.  No way the IRS figures out this one.

Matthew's clinic visit today can be deemed a success.  Dosage on the steroids has gone down a little bit.  The weening process is a slow one.  Took him and Claire outside to rake leaves when he got home and they loved it.


Garbis Grapevine said...

You are too funny!!!! Glad to hear the good news too!

Anonymous said...

Was Nicole not on the couch?

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great and are only surpassed by the Matthew's good news of no feeding tube and less steroids. As far as the taxes go, ask the government for an extension...............the prayers continue, love to all, amj

Julia Ciminelli said...

We have been following you blog from Rochester and are happy to see our prayers are being answered.
Stay well,
Cousing Julia Ciminelli

Unknown said...

Goes to prove that a pile of leaves are more fun AND cheaper than Toys Are Us! Glad to see you guys enjoying the regular old family things. Great results. Keep them comin'.

Love you guys!