Wednesday, March 02, 2011


On Thursday, March 3rd, we celebrate the 4th birthday of our daughter Meghan Rose (sometimes affectionately known as our 'Angel Meghan').  None of you ever met Meghan but I would like to tell you a little bit about her.  She was stillborn on March 3, 2007, only 2 weeks before her due date of March 17th.  She was beautiful.  I remember vividly, sitting with Nicole in the hospital bed at Elmhurst hospital, holding Meghan after she was born, talking to her about how much we already missed her and how she will forever be an important part of our family.  Our puzzle has a big piece missing.  I am not one to think that Meghan is all around us or looking down on us.  Maybe I am too calloused, obtuse, cynical, angry, stubborn, etc, etc.  A friend of mine recently wrote that she sees her late mom in the faces of her little boys.  I liked that.  I am reminded of Meghan often when I look at Meghan's brother and sister...and her mom.  Meghan, we miss you and love you, now more than ever. 


Mary Kincaid said...

Happy Birthday, Meghan. I'm so sorry, Nicole and Gene.

Sue Joy said... you left me wanting to cry and be so excited at the same time! Thanks Gene! You have been through more than any parent should have to go through in such a short 4years. ENOUGH already!!!! Great to hear that the tubies are gone!!!

Garbis Grapevine said...

thinking about you guys

Unknown said...

Meghan is never forgotten. Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Your strength and resolve has made me a better parent.