Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Last Round

Matthew is ready to go for his last round of chemo although his counts have still not recovered.  The doctors did not want to wait any longer and since they have somewhere around 8 more years of medical school than I have, its their call.  He is admitted and will be in for the next three days.  Hoping that he can dig down and punch this round in the face the way he has done previously. 



lots of love and prayers coming at you from Aunt Kathy.

Peg Baker said...

Many thoughts and much love, hugs, kisses and prayers to the little guy and all the family.

Love, Peg and Michael

Kellie-Jo Angone said...

I'm sure Matthew will kick butt! Sending lots of prayers and hugs his way. Kellie-Jo & Vincent

Garbis Grapevine said...

Hi Guys

My friend Julie sent a check for her silent auction basket and it got sent back. What is the address again? She might have written it incorrect. Sorry, to put this on here, but she wants to get the money in.
